Dimension X was one of old-time radio's first adult science fiction shows. Though it only ran for a short time, the show made its mark by adapting short stories written by some of the best known masters of the genre—Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, Kurt Vonnegut, and others. Writers Ernest Kinoy and George Lefferts adapted the stories, occasionally contributing original scripts of their own.
The show, promising "adventures in time and space, told in future tense," transported listeners from their everyday existence to new worlds and foreign landscapes, where alien encounters and rocket ship adventures were no more unusual than a stroll through a park.
Episodes include
"With Folded Hands" by Jack Williamson, starring Peter
Capell and Philip Bourneuf
"The Report on the Barnhouse Effect" by Kurt Vonnegut, starring Santos
Ortega and Bob Hastings
"No Contact" by George Lefferts and Ernest Kinoy, starring Wendell Holmes and
Lawson Zerbe
"Knock" by Fredric Brown, starring Arnold Moss and Luis van Rooten
"Almost Human" by Robert Bloch, starring Santos Ortega and Rita Lynn
"The Embassy" by Donald Wollheim, starring Joseph Julian and Berry Kroeger
"The Green Hills of Earth" by Robert Heinlein, starring Ken Williams and Nelson
"Beyond Infinity" by Villiers Gerson, starring Les Damon and Lotte Stavisky
"Hello Tomorrow" by George Lefferts, starring Nancy Olson and Santos Ortega
"Time and Time Again" by H. Beam Piper, starring Peter Capell and Joe De Santis
"Universe" by Robert Heinlein, starring Mason Adams and Peter Capell
"Nightfall" by Isaac Asimov, starring John McGovern and Staats Cotsworth